Frequently asked questions.

Is it really $1?

Yes, weekly $1 or whatever your currency equivalent is. We don’t discount, have annual fees or have offers. It is simple; you pay $1 a week for that week, stop anytime, start anytime. Our gift is being abundant, giving, sharing and making it simple.

A membership subscription to your access to the content linked to your weekly membership $1 is paid. It lasts for 26 weeks. So, in total, you spend $26 for a very personal and fantastic program. You can stay on it as long as you want. We recommend the 26 weeks as the complete program.

What exactly is Dollar Dream Club?

It is a week-by-week guided program to help you unlock your Master Key. We are ultimately giving you the skills to unlock ALL YOUR POTENTIAL. Think The Secret on steroids. We mention the secret as the basis is a literal adaptation of Charles Haanel work from the 19th century (which The Secret Rhonda Byrne also uses partially). We have translated to the modern language and created a week-by-week guide. Week by week is significant as the original work Charles Haanel did was understand that the weekly growth and application of the learnings make the most significant impact and difference for the individual.

 We created Dollar Dream Club to share the benefits to many, and also know that we can talk a lot about doing, having a small amount of knowledge. YET we then don’t do?! Dollar Dream Club shares the why you need to do, what it does for you, how to apply and do and make the time.  Dollar Dream Club is your answer to STARTING.


What does a Guided program mean?

This is how we share the information with you. Each week has three contents to work through.

o   A video to watch (maximum of 4 minutes)

o   An Audio recording to listen to (maximum of 6 minutes)

o   And your choice to read or watch the guided step by step “practice” to do every day for the next seven days (maximum of 6 minutes)

We use these three types of ways to share to support the learning content and boost your understanding and how to maximise each week.


How much time does it take?

Each week we share the content approximately 18 minutes of content to watch, listen and do. Then every day, you “practice” the learnings of that week for a minimum of 7 minutes and building to 20 minutes per day.


Why the range of time to practice?

Because we want as many people as possible to reap the benefits of the program and its contents, real life is real life and allocating 7 minutes per day is very achievable, and we know that it can work at that time. As your practice grows through the 26 weeks, you will find the time as you feel the benefits in all aspects of your life.

 Do I have to do anything?

Simply yes. You will be in motion of good things by joining, learning, reading, seeing and your weekly lessons. YET. The good stuff and then the magic happens when you take action and apply the weekly lessons. It’s up to you. Pay do nothing. You come a bit wiser with knowledge yet take action and do the work and see what happens.


How do I cancel?

Easy go to your member account and cancel. We don’t want you to cancel and would like to know why- so do spend a few moments and let us know. We give abundantly, and in trust, so we desire your thoughts, comments and anything we can do better or hear your story.


What next? I’ve done the 26 weeks.

If you’ve stuck with us, then you will be experiencing wonderful things (if you take action and not stay in motion), so thanks firstly for that, and we get you to want more. Your $1 a week takes you to the next level, and you will get an email telling you about the next steps. If you don’t after week 26, send us an email and tell us (


Why no social media?

 We wanted to keep it simple, a bit analogue. Bots, overzealous well-intentioned messaging blocks our actions, so simple, clear and direct stops the confusion and also, fewer distractions means more good stuff happens. We do have social media as we are on Facebook for our community. It’s more we choose NOT to advertise.

Why don’t you advertise?

Simple, the program is built on abundance, giving first without a desire of outcome. If no one joins, then the benefits remain. We live to the focus, learnings and practice, and this also means that by advertising, we focus on a materialistic first and not the benefit to others. The program will grow from strength to strength because it creates, and each individual who uses it benefits from it will share it on- sharing the abundance approach, giving first without a desire for return.

What’s the catch?

No catch, unless you think $1 a week is a catch. We created Dollar Dream Club to make it as affordable as possible for anyone. You can drop in and out as you see fit. If you don’t pay your $1 your access isn’t available, you could stop and start as you want- if you do this, you need to start at Week One every time as this is where the impact and learning grows.


 Does it work?

We (Dave and Debbie) live our lives with the practice. We genuinely believe what it does, how we live, our outcomes, lifestyle, options, benefits, relationship, and relationships we choose to have. Daily allocating 7-20 minutes per day to the lessons. Also, we have the feedback, and we will keep collecting it and sharing it as we go through the program (as of today, we are on week 8).


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