The Story

It’s a long time coming

Three people created Dollar Dream Club. They had a dream to create success for others. Yet in a way that meant something. Not fluffy. Simple, straightforward, uncomplicated and applicable and not all about the money, it had to be accessible for everyone. Big Ask.

The dream sessions have been created to teach you how to apply The Master Key System from Charles F Haanel.  

 In 1919 Napoleon Hill wrote Haanel a letter thanking him for The Master Key System. Writing to him to say "My present success and the success which has followed my work as President of the Napoleon Hill Institute is due largely to the principles laid down in The Master-Key System." Rhonda Byrne also quoted Haanel in the best selling book The Secret.

Each of the original works all had something to offer- YET- still felt something was missing. The trio searched, researched, checked, and always couldn’t find anything that made it simpler. Dollar Dream Club was made in that hotel room in Birmingham UK, yet it took time to come to the offer we have now with all the right things. That chat was in 2017, and we are now here.


“When we got together and saw what our lives had achieved by using the master key, the desire to share ‘how’ was bigger than ever, this is not and should never be a secret.”

— Dave Evans Co Founder Dollar Dream Club